Product Description:
Waffle cones, sprinkles, maraschino cherries. 
Target Audience:
Free-spirited, eclectic, interested in wellness and spirituality, prefers clean and simple design, values sustainability.
Brand Personality:
Genero is bohemian, chic, natural, and earthy all while embodying contemporary design principles. 
Product Differentiators:
Genero offers unique flavors packaged in single monochromatic hues and accented with clean illustrations. 
Design Rationale:
The final design has the unifying elements of the strong structural arches, the repeating line patterns, the gestural hands, and the twinkly shapes. The use of drippy lines and the mystical imagery and art style is a playful spin on a boho aesthetic to make the product welcoming and appealing to those with all sorts of artistic expressions and eclectic styles. 
Label close-ups
Product photography
POP display dieline
Display photography
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