At Frostbite Creamery, our mission is to weave enchantment through nature and fable in the modern age. 
Our values include closeness to nature, seasonal living, art, and storytelling. Our commitment to these principles guides every aspect of our craft, from sourcing the freshest ingredients to creating flavors inspired by the wonders of nature.
Brand Personality:
Frostbite Creamery is mythical, wild, rustic, charming, moody, natural, and romantic. We embrace the magic of storytelling and the untamed beauty of the wilderness, inviting our customers to immerse themselves in a world of fantasy and flavor.
Unique Positioning:
Our unique positioning lies in our commitment to crafting made-from-scratch, small-batch ice cream, with a seasonal rotation inspired by storybook fables and nature. Each flavor is a labor of love, blending the richness of homemade ice cream with the enchantment of timeless tales.
Our imagery is influenced by Slavic fairy tales and intricate botanical illustrations. We embrace dark colors, rustic elements, and moody atmospheres, evoking the romantic allure of old-world beauty. Hand-drawn ink illustrations and illustrative script fonts adorn our packaging, inviting customers to embark on a visual journey through our enchanted world.
Initial sketches for logos (left) and icons (right). 
First digital iterations of logo designs.
Refined logo and icon designs.
Final brand style guide
Digital mockups. 
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